Donna’s Story
“ The place saved my life more than once and has had a positive, positive impact on the wonderful men my sons have become. My relationship began when I met a past VSer“Susan Pries” and her little boy at the North End Library. Susan lived nearby and introduced me to the Church & community programs. From there, church involvement, trips to Silver Lake and an overall healing community graced my life.
Both my sons attended and eventually worked at Silver Lake Camp. When I became a single Mom, Welcome Inn encouraged me and even sponsored my first class at McMaster University – eventually leading to my career in Child Welfare.
My involvement with the church resulted in my baptism in 1988 and continues to this day with my attendance at Hamilton Mennonite Church. Welcome Inn has healed me, taught me forgiveness and developed my faith in a better world.
Now at 65 it is with great joy that I am able to volunteer here and give back just a small portion from the many, many ways this place has blessed me and my family. Thank you Welcome Inn and thank you Hamilton Mennonite Church for reaching out and creating this healing space. The world is a better place.” Donna Hill